Upcoming shows/vending:






 Know of a show I should go to? Tell me!

Mini Version! (Macro Keyboard v1.0)

Here's an 8 key version or (6-key + 2 encoder version) of the same thing. The schematic is cleaned up a bit; now slightly more intuitive. All features remain in-tact. A few new features include:

  • Fits either Arduino Pro Micro: the mini USB or micro USB version. 
  • Breakout for I2C (add an LCD). Note VCC =3.3V


This version and the code below is explained a bit more in the related MacroKeyboard Version 2.0 video: https://youtu.be/IDlcxLQ1SbY



3D Print Files

CAD by Nicole S. (thank you Nicole!)
Mini Macro Keyboard Cases
Includes STLs and SolidWorks (v2020) files. Print at 100% scale. is slightly oversized to account for PLA shrinkage.
Mini Macro Keyboard cases.zip
Compressed archive in ZIP format [2.1 MB]
Mini Macro Keyboard 32u4 RC v1.0 SCHEMAT[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [43.3 KB]
Plan-o-gram template
Useful for planning your key layout or making 3D printed stand.This PDF has the PCB at 100% scale and is generated directly from the board layout.
MacroKeyboard Mini Key Template Layout.p[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [36.8 KB]
Steam Deck Stand
Laser cut files. Fits Mini Macro and Macro Keyboard v2.0
MacroKeyboard Stream Deck plans.rar
Compressed file archive [25.6 KB]

Example Code (it's very feature filled)

 * A multi-mode Macro keyboard with Arduino Pro Micro using row column matrix-ing.
 * This is example sketch to understand key layout, assignments, and command protocols. 
 * This example is slightly more robust than the larger size MacroKeyboard (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acJ6gufBN_A.
 * Each mode (profile/application) has a unique definition for each encoder, including mouse control and a display LCD
 * to descibes the modes or key assignements. 
 * Some mouse movement get their value from analogRead(pin 0) so make sure something is connected.
 * Don't forget to solder all the diode and encoder solder jumpers on the backside!!
  (c) 2020 Ryan Bates 
  Last time I touched this: Oct 23 2020
  web: www.retrobuiltgames.com
  youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ryanbatesrbg
  twitter: @retrobuiltgames
Ryan's Pro Tips:
=============== Keyboard Control================================================================================
Keyboard.write();   Sends a keystroke to a connected computer. 
                    This is similar to pressing and releasing a key on your keyboard.
                    Will send a shift command if applicable. Example: Keyboard.write('K') will 
                    automatically do SHIFT + k. 
                    Can also accept ASCII code like this:
                    //Keyboard.write(32); // This is space bar (in decimal)
                    Helpful list of ASCII + decimal keys http://www.asciitable.com/

Keyboard.press();   Best for holding down a key with multi-key commands; like copy/ paste
                    This example is [ctrl] + [shift] + [e] 
                      //delay(100); Keyboard.releaseAll();

Keyboard.print();   Sends a keystroke(s)
                    Keyboard.print("stop using aim bot"); // types this in as a char or int! (not a string)!

Keyboard.println(); Sends a keystroke followed by a newline (carriage return)
                     Very practical if you want to type a password and login in one button press!
SOMETIMES, applications are coded to recognize Keyboard.press() and not Keyboard.write() and vice versa.
You might have to experiment. 

=============== Mouse Control================================================================================
Mouse.move(x, y, wheel);  Moves the mouse and or scroll wheel up/down left/right.
                          Range is -128 to +127. units are pixels 
                          -number = left or down
                          +number = right or up

Mouse.press(b);         Presses the mouse button (still need to call release). Replace "b" with:
                        MOUSE_LEFT   //Left Mouse button
                        MOUSE_RIGHT  //Right Mouse button
                        MOUSE_MIDDLE //Middle mouse button
                        MOUSE_ALL    //All three mouse buttons
Mouse.release(b);       Releases the mouse button.

Mouse.click(b);         A quick press and release.

// ----------------------------
// Standard Libraries
// ----------------------------
#include <Wire.h>
#include "Keyboard.h"
#include <Mouse.h> //there are some mouse move functions for encoder_Mode 2 and 3

#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x3F, 20, 4); // set the LCD address for a 40 chars and 4 line display

const int LCD_NB_ROWS = 4 ;        //for the 4x20 LCD lcd.begin(), but i think this is kinda redundant 
const int LCD_NB_COLUMNS = 20 ;
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;     // values to compare last time interval was checked (For LCD refreshing)
int check_State = 0;                    // state to check trigger the demo interrupt

// Library with a lot of the HID definitions and methods
// Can be useful to take a look at it see whats available
// https://github.com/arduino-libraries/Keyboard/blob/master/src/Keyboard.h

// ----------------------------
// Additional Libraries - each one of these will need to be installed.
// ----------------------------
#include <Encoder.h> //Library for simple interfacing with encoders (up to two)
//low performance ender response, pins do not have interrupts
Encoder RotaryEncoderA(10, 16); //the LEFT encoder (encoder A)
Encoder RotaryEncoderB(14, 15);  //the RIGHT encoder (encoder B)

#include <Keypad.h>
// This library is for interfacing with the 4x4 Matrix
// Can be installed from the library manager, search for "keypad"
// and install the one by Mark Stanley and Alexander Brevig
// https://playground.arduino.cc/Code/Keypad/

//Define the rols column matrix roots
const byte ROWS = 2; //two rows
const byte COLS = 4; //four columns

//define the physical matrix layout
char keys[ROWS][COLS] = {
  {'1', '2', '3', '4'},  //  the keyboard hardware is a 2x4 grid... 
  {'5', '6', '7', '8'},

// The library will return the character inside this array when the appropriate
// button is pressed then look for that case statement. This is the key assignment lookup table.
// Layout(key/button order) looks like this
//     |------------------------|
//     |   [6/5]*               |     *TRS breakout connection. Keys 5 and 6 are duplicated at the TRS jack
//     |      [1] [2] [3] [4]   |     * Encoder A location = key[1]      
//     |      [5] [6] [7] [8]   |     * Encoder B location = Key[4]
//     |------------------------|

// Variables that will change:
int modePushCounter = 0;     // counter for the number of button presses
int buttonState = 0;         // current state of the button
int lastButtonState = 0;     // previous state of the button
int mouseMove;
String password;             // string for rando password generator, its a global variable because i might do something fancy with it?

long positionEncoderA  = -999; //encoderA LEFT position variable
long positionEncoderB  = -999; //encoderB RIGHT position variable

const int ModeButton = A0;    // the pin that the Modebutton is attached to
const int pot = A1;           // pot for adjusting attract mode demoTime or mouseMouse pixel value
const int Mode1= A2;
const int Mode2= A3;          //Mode status LEDs

byte rowPins[ROWS] = {4, 5}; //connect to the row pinouts of the keypad
byte colPins[COLS] = {6, 7, 8, 9 }; //connect to the column pinouts of the keypad
Keypad keypad = Keypad( makeKeymap(keys), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS );

void setup() {
  lcd.init();       //initialize the 4x20 lcd
  lcd.backlight();  //turn on the backlight
  lcd.begin(LCD_NB_COLUMNS , LCD_NB_ROWS);
  randomSeed(analogRead(0));           // is this a bad idea? it's called before assigning the button as pull up... the switch is open at rest..
  pinMode(ModeButton, INPUT_PULLUP);  // initialize the button pin as a input:  
  pinMode(Mode1,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(Mode1,LOW);
  pinMode(Mode2,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(Mode2,LOW);

  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("Mini Macro KB Demo");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("(c) 2020 Ryan Bates");


void loop() {
char key = keypad.getKey();
mouseMove = (analogRead(pot)); //reading the analog input, pot = pin A1
mouseMove = map(mouseMove, 0,1023, 1,124); //remap the analog pot values fron 1 to 124

  switch (modePushCounter) { // switch between keyboard configurations:
    case 0:    //  Application Alpha or MODE 0 ========================================================================
      digitalWrite(Mode1,LOW); digitalWrite(Mode2,LOW);   //indicate what mode is loaded
       if (key) {
    switch (key) {
      case '1': Keyboard.println("Alpha key1"); break;    //don't forget the break statement!
      case '2': RandoPasswordGenerator(); break;           //a not-so-sophisticated password generator
      case '3': Keyboard.press(KEY_LEFT_CTRL);   
                Keyboard.print('z');                       //undo
      case '4': lcd.setCursor(0,3); lcd.print("                    "); //overwrite the bottom LCD row
      case '5': Keyboard.press(KEY_LEFT_CTRL);   
                Keyboard.print('a');                        //select all    
      case '6': Keyboard.press(KEY_LEFT_CTRL); 
                Keyboard.print('c');                         //copy
      case '7': Keyboard.press(KEY_LEFT_CTRL);  
                Keyboard.print('v');                         // paste
      case '8': Keyboard.press(KEY_DELETE); 
                 break; }
    delay(50); Keyboard.releaseAll(); // this releases the buttons 
    case 1:    //  Arduino shortcuts or MODE 1 ========================================================================
      digitalWrite(Mode1,HIGH); digitalWrite(Mode2,LOW);
      if (key) {
    switch (key) {
      case '1': Keyboard.write(32);                          //Space Bar
      case '2': Keyboard.press(KEY_LEFT_CTRL);  
                Keyboard.print('r');                          //Verify
      case '3': Keyboard.press(KEY_LEFT_CTRL);  
                Keyboard.print('u');                          //Upload
      case '4': Keyboard.press(KEY_LEFT_CTRL);  
                Keyboard.print('m');                          //Serial Monitor
      case '5': Keyboard.press(KEY_LEFT_CTRL);  
                Keyboard.print('c');                          //Copy
      case '6': Keyboard.press(KEY_LEFT_CTRL);  
                Keyboard.print('v');                          //Paste
      case '7': Keyboard.press(KEY_LEFT_CTRL);  
                Keyboard.print('/');                          //Comment / Uncomment
      case '8': Keyboard.press(KEY_LEFT_CTRL);  
                Keyboard.print('f');                          //Find
                break; }
    delay(50); Keyboard.releaseAll(); // this releases the buttons 
    case 2:    // Application Delta or MODE 2 ========================================================================
               //this mode mimics a password manager. Types ['login ID'] + [tab] + ['password'] + [enter]
               //This is not a really secure way manage your passwords, but it's an idea...
      digitalWrite(Mode1,LOW); digitalWrite(Mode2,HIGH);
    if (key) {
    switch (key) {
      case '1': Keyboard.println("Delta key1"); break;
      case '2': Keyboard.println("Delta key2"); break;
      case '3': Keyboard.println("Delta key3"); break;
      case '4': Keyboard.println("Delta key4"); break;
      case '5': Keyboard.print("admin_1");      Keyboard.write(9); //tab key
                Keyboard.println("password_1"); break;
      case '6': Keyboard.print("admin_2");      Keyboard.write(9); //tab key
                Keyboard.println("password_2"); break;
      case '7': Keyboard.print("admin_3");      Keyboard.write(9); //tab key
                Keyboard.println("password_3"); break;
      case '8': Keyboard.print("admin_4");      Keyboard.write(9); //tab key
                Keyboard.println("password_4"); break;
    delay(50); Keyboard.releaseAll(); // this releases the buttons 
    case 3:    // Application Delta or MODE 3 ========================================================================
     digitalWrite(Mode1,HIGH); digitalWrite(Mode2,HIGH);
      encoderA_Mode3(); //etch-a-sketch with the mouse up/down
      encoderB_Mode3(); //etch-a-sketch with the mouse left/right
   if (key) {
    switch (key) {
      case '1': Keyboard.println("Hi.   Hopefully this example code makes sense."); break;
      case '2': //macro that opens chrome and a random wiki page for learning.
        delay(50); //give your system time to catch up with these android-speed keyboard presses
        Keyboard.println("chrome"); delay(500);
        Keyboard.println("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random"); break; 

      case '3': Keyboard.press(KEY_LEFT_GUI); delay(50);
                Keyboard.println("mag"); delay(200);
      case '4': Keyboard.write(32); break; //smashing that space bar
      case '5': //macro that opens Chrome & Rick Rolls you like a chump
        delay(50); //give your system time to catch up with these android-speed keyboard presses
        Keyboard.println("chrome"); delay(500);

      case '6':  //macro that opens Chrome and goes to my youtube channel!
        delay(50); //give your system time to catch up with these android-speed keyboard presses
        Keyboard.println("chrome"); delay(500);
      case '7': //macro example!!! Windows_Key+R = Run then type "mspaint" and press enter. Opens MS Paint
        delay(50); //give your system time to catch up with these android-speed keyboard presses
      case '8': //macro example!!! Windows_Key+R = Run then type "calc" and press enter. Opens MS Calculator
        delay(50); //give your system time to catch up with these android-speed keyboard presses
  delay(50); Keyboard.releaseAll(); // this releases the buttons 

void RandoPasswordGenerator(){
      long random_alpha;
      long random_ALPHA;
      long random_numeric;
      long random_special;
      char alpha;         // lower case letters
      char ALPHA;         // uppercase letters
      char number;        // numbers!
      char specialChar;   // !@#$%^&* and so on
      char randoPassword; // array to combine these all together
      char alphabet[]="qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm"; // arrary for lower case letters. alphabet[0]; returns "q"...... alphabet[25]; returns "m"  alphabet[26]; will break something by accessing the null character
      char ALPHABET[]="QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM"; //when declaring an array of type char, one more element than your initialization is required, to hold the required null character
      char numeric[] ="1234567890";
      char special[] ="!@#$%^&*()";
      random_alpha = random(sizeof(alphabet));    //random(max) sets the limit of the random number being pulled
      random_ALPHA = random(sizeof(ALPHABET));    //sets the random number upper limit to the size of char array
      random_numeric = random(sizeof(numeric));
      random_special = random(sizeof(special));   
      alpha = alphabet[random_alpha]; //picks a random character in the respective array. 
      ALPHA = ALPHABET[random_ALPHA];
      number = numeric[random_numeric];
      specialChar = special[random_special];
      String alpha_String = String(alpha); //convert all the single chars to strings...so we can concatenate them...
      String ALPHA_String = String(ALPHA);
      String number_String = String(number);
      String specialChar_String = String(specialChar);
      password = (alpha_String + ALPHA_String + number_String + specialChar_String); //concatenate the random alpha and numerics to format: xX$!
      //this is great and all, but it will always generate a pattern, which isnt secure with machine learning (or any basic pattern recognition)
      password.toCharArray(randoPassword,sizeof(randoPassword)); //convert the xX# string to char datatype
void checkModeButton(){
  buttonState = digitalRead(ModeButton);
  if (buttonState != lastButtonState) { // compare the buttonState to its previous state
    if (buttonState == LOW) { // if the state has changed, increment the counter
      // if the current state is LOW then the button cycled:
    delay(50); // Delay a little bit to avoid bouncing
  lastButtonState = buttonState; // save the current state as the last state, for next time through the loop
   if (modePushCounter >3){ //reset counter after 4 presses (remember we start counting at 0) change this number to add more modes
      modePushCounter = 0;}
//=============== encoder definitions/assignments ===========================================
//this section allows a unique encoder function for each mode (profile). Four total in this case or modes 0 through 3.

//=============Encoder A & B Function ====== Set 0 =========================================================
void encoderA_Mode0(){
  long newPos = RotaryEncoderA.read()/4; //When the encoder lands on a valley, this is an increment of 4.
                                          // your encoder might be different (divide by 2) i dunno. 
  if (newPos != positionEncoderA && newPos > positionEncoderA) {
    positionEncoderA = newPos;
    Keyboard.release(KEY_RIGHT_ARROW);                      }

  if (newPos != positionEncoderA && newPos < positionEncoderA) {
    positionEncoderA = newPos;
    Keyboard.release(KEY_LEFT_ARROW);                      }

void encoderB_Mode0(){
  long newPos = RotaryEncoderB.read()/4; //When the encoder lands on a valley, most encoders use an increment of 4.
  if (newPos != positionEncoderB && newPos > positionEncoderB) {
    positionEncoderB = newPos;
    Keyboard.release(KEY_DOWN_ARROW);                      }

  if (newPos != positionEncoderB && newPos < positionEncoderB) {
    positionEncoderB = newPos;

    Keyboard.release(KEY_UP_ARROW);                         }
//=============Encoder A & B Function ====== Set 1 =========================================================
void encoderA_Mode1(){
  long newPos = RotaryEncoderA.read()/2; 
  if (newPos != positionEncoderA && newPos < positionEncoderA) {
    positionEncoderA = newPos;
     //tab increase
    Keyboard.write(9); //tab key

  if (newPos != positionEncoderA && newPos > positionEncoderA) {
    positionEncoderA = newPos;
    //tab decrease
    Keyboard.write(9); //tab key
    Keyboard.release(KEY_LEFT_SHIFT);                      }


void encoderB_Mode1(){
  long newPos = RotaryEncoderB.read()/2; 
  if (newPos != positionEncoderB && newPos < positionEncoderB) {
    positionEncoderB = newPos;
      //Font decrease | Arduino IDE
    Keyboard.release('-');  Keyboard.release(KEY_LEFT_CTRL);         }

  if (newPos != positionEncoderB && newPos > positionEncoderB) {
    positionEncoderB = newPos;
      //Font increase | Arduino IDE
    Keyboard.release('=');   Keyboard.release(KEY_LEFT_CTRL);       }

//=============Encoder A & B Function ====== Set 2 =========================================================
void encoderA_Mode2(){ //testing some encoder wheel pay control for arcade games; centede, tempest...

  long newPos = RotaryEncoderA.read()/2; 
  if (newPos != positionEncoderA && newPos > positionEncoderA) {
    positionEncoderA = newPos;
     Mouse.move(-mouseMove,0,0); //moves mouse right... Mouse.move(x, y, wheel) range is -128 to +127

  if (newPos != positionEncoderA && newPos < positionEncoderA) {
    positionEncoderA = newPos;
    Mouse.move(mouseMove,0,0); //moves mouse left... Mouse.move(x, y, wheel) range is -128 to +127

void encoderB_Mode2(){
  long newPos = RotaryEncoderB.read()/2; //When the encoder lands on a valley, this is an increment of 2.
  if (newPos != positionEncoderB && newPos < positionEncoderB) {
    positionEncoderB = newPos;
    Mouse.move(0,-mouseMove,0);                                                           }

  if (newPos != positionEncoderB && newPos > positionEncoderB) {
    positionEncoderB = newPos;

//=============Encoder A & B Function ====== Set 3 =========================================================
void encoderA_Mode3(){
  long newPos = RotaryEncoderA.read()/2; 
  if (newPos != positionEncoderA && newPos > positionEncoderA) {
    positionEncoderA = newPos;
    Mouse.press(MOUSE_LEFT); //holds down the mouse left click
    Mouse.move(-4,0,0); //moves mouse right... Mouse.move(x, y, wheel) range is -128 to +127
    Mouse.release(MOUSE_LEFT); //releases mouse left click

  if (newPos != positionEncoderA && newPos < positionEncoderA) { 
    positionEncoderA = newPos;
    Mouse.press(MOUSE_LEFT); //holds down the mouse left click
    Mouse.move(4,0,0); //moves mouse left... Mouse.move(x, y, wheel) range is -128 to +127
    Mouse.release(MOUSE_LEFT); //releases mouse left click                   

void encoderB_Mode3(){
  long newPos = RotaryEncoderB.read()/2;
  if (newPos != positionEncoderB && newPos > positionEncoderB) {
    positionEncoderB = newPos;
    Mouse.press(MOUSE_LEFT); //holds down the mouse left click
    Mouse.move(0,4,0); //moves mouse up... Mouse.move(x, y, wheel) range is -128 to +127  
    Mouse.release(MOUSE_LEFT); //releases mouse left click

  if (newPos != positionEncoderB && newPos < positionEncoderB) {
    positionEncoderB = newPos;
    Mouse.press(MOUSE_LEFT); //holds down the mouse left click
    Mouse.move(0,-4,0); //moves mouse down... Mouse.move(x, y, wheel) range is -128 to +127
    Mouse.release(MOUSE_LEFT); //releases mouse left click                   

void LCD_update_0() { //This method is less heavy on tying up the arduino cycles to update the LCD; instead 
                      //this updates the LCD every 3 seconds. Putting the LCD.write commands
                      //in the key function loops breaks the 'feel' and responsiveness of the keys. 
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();

//================= a note about this cycle, this follows the example sketch "Blink without Delay"===============
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= 3000) {                       // if the elasped time greater than 3 seconds
    previousMillis = currentMillis;                                   // save the last time you checked the interval
    if (check_State == 0) {                                           // do the update only once per interval
      lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("Rando PW Generator");
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1); 
      lcd.setCursor(0, 2); lcd.print("Your password:");
      lcd.setCursor(0, 3);
      check_State = 1;    } 
    else {
      check_State = 1;                                              // I dont want to clear the screen for the random Password Generator, 
       //lcd.clear();                                               // so check_State is set to not change
       //lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("5: MODE 0 Screen B");      // set "check_State = 0" to bring back two screen cycles 

void LCD_update_1() {
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= 3000) {                         // if the elasped time greater than 3 seconds
    previousMillis = currentMillis;                                   // save the last time you checked the interval
    if (check_State == 0) {                                           // do the update only once per interval
      lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("1: Tab +/- | Space");
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("2: Verfiy");
      lcd.setCursor(0, 2); lcd.print("3: Upload");
      lcd.setCursor(0, 3); lcd.print("4: Font +/- | Serial");
      check_State = 1;    }

    else {
      check_State = 0;
      lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("5: Copy");
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("6: Paste");
      lcd.setCursor(0, 2); lcd.print("7: Comment / Uncomm");
      lcd.setCursor(0, 3); lcd.print("8: Find");

void LCD_update_2() { 
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= 3000) {                       //if the elasped time greater than 3 seconds
    previousMillis = currentMillis;                                   // save the last time you checked the interval
    if (check_State == 0) {                                           //do the update only once per interval
      lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("1: Mouse left/right");
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("2: ");
      lcd.setCursor(0, 2); lcd.print("3: ");
      lcd.setCursor(0, 3); lcd.print("4: Mouse up/down");
      check_State = 1;    }

    else {
      check_State = 0;
      lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("5: App Alpha Login");
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("6: App Beta Login");
      lcd.setCursor(0, 2); lcd.print("7: App Delta Login");
      lcd.setCursor(0, 3); lcd.print("8: App Gamma Login");

void LCD_update_3() { 
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= 3000) {                       //if the elasped time greater than 3 seconds
    previousMillis = currentMillis;                                   // save the last time you checked the interval
    if (check_State == 0) {                                           //do the update only once per interval
      lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("1: up/down");
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("2: Random Wiki");
      lcd.setCursor(0, 2); lcd.print("3: Magnifier");
      lcd.setCursor(0, 3); lcd.print("4: left/right");
      check_State = 1;    }

    else {
      check_State = 0;
      lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("5: Youtube: RR");
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("6: Youtube: ryan");
      lcd.setCursor(0, 2); lcd.print("7: MS Paint");
      lcd.setCursor(0, 3); lcd.print("8: Calculator");

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© 2013-2023 Ryan Bates and © 2013-2023 Retro Built Games, LLC. All photos, designs, documents, and graphics (C) Ryan Bates. All Rights Reserved.

This site is best viewed on a desktop PC. Raspberry Pi is a trademark of the Raspberry Pi Foundation. ARDUINO® and other Arduino brands and logos published in the website are Trademarks of Arduino AG.